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/Instalación de un termostato en su hogar
Instalación de un termostato en su hogar


Installing a Thermostat in Your Home
The kitchen may be the heart of any home, but the thermostat is certainly what keeps everyone happy in that home. Whether you are upgrading to a smart home setup or just working with a new AC or furnace, you can install a new thermometer with ease by following a few steps. You do not need to be a professional maintenance worker to execute this DIY-friendly project.

Assemble Your Tools
When executing any DIY project, you always want to have your tools ready and waiting so that you are not scrambling to find something mid-project. To change your thermostat, you need:
A screwdriver set, or multi-bit screwdriver Masking tape A pen A digital camera or the camera on your phone Drywall anchors (as needed)
Once you have your tools, assemble them on an easy-to-reach surface near your thermostat.

Turn Off the Power Source
You should never begin any electrical work in your home until you have turned off the power sources involved. Go to the breaker box in your home and flip off the breakers that supply the furnace and the air conditioning units. Make sure that you test to ensure that the power is off, as well. Adjust the temperature on the old thermometer by more than 10 degrees in both directions and see if either unit turns on. If not, you are golden and can proceed.

Remove the Old Faceplate
The next step is to remove the faceplate from the old thermostat. Most faceplates just pop off. You can typically find a slot on the side of the unit or a latch that you can use to remove the faceplate. You should now have access to the thermostat's wall plate and should see the wiring and wall screws.

Label the Wires
This is maybe the most critical step in the thermostat installation process, but easy to execute. First, use your camera to take a photo of the wall plate and wiring. You can use this as reference if there is any confusion down the line. Your new thermostat may also provide wire labels. Use either your wire labels or the masking tape and pen to label each wire.

Remove the Wires and Old Thermostat
Una vez que haya etiquetado los cables, puede quitarlos del termostato antiguo. Es posible que necesite un destornillador para aflojar los tornillos que sujetan los cables en su lugar. Algunas unidades pueden tener clips que sujetan los cables en su lugar. En esos casos, todo lo que necesita hacer es abrir el clip y sacar el cable. Luego, use su destornillador para quitar los tornillos que sujetan la placa de pared a la pared.

Instale anclajes para paneles de yeso
si su nuevo termostatotiene el mismo diseño que el anterior, puede omitir este paso. En algunos escenarios, los tornillos que sujetan la nueva placa de pared en su lugar pueden estar en un lugar diferente al del antiguo termostato. Si este es el caso, instale anclajes para paneles de yeso en su pared antes de atornillar la nueva placa de pared. Para hacer esto, taladre un agujero del diámetro de los anclajes, luego martille el anclaje en la pared hasta que quede al ras con la pared. Atornille la nueva placa de pared en la pared.

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